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Key Takeaways

  1. Promising Results for T1D Management: The VX-880 islet cell therapy, made from stem cells, showed potential to reduce or eliminate the need for insulin injections in people with type 1 diabetes by restoring natural blood sugar control.
  2. Improved Quality of Life: Participants in the Phase 1/2 FORWARD clinical study experienced significant improvements in glycemic control and reduced severe hypoglycemic events, leading to a better quality of life.
  3. Groundbreaking Research: The ongoing VX-880 islet cell therapy trial continues to expand, aiming to provide more robust data and potentially revolutionize the treatment landscape for type 1 diabetes.

We are thrilled to announce that the Connected in Motion (CIM) team is attending the 84th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) this year in Orlando, Florida. This annual event is a cornerstone in the global diabetes community, bringing together leading researchers, clinicians, and innovators to share the latest advancements in diabetes care.

Stay tuned as we share highlights and key takeaways from the sessions, continuing our commitment to enhancing the lives of those living with type 1 diabetes.

At the ADA Scientific Sessions, the Phase 1/2 FORWARD clinical study of the VX-880 islet cell therapy was a major highlight. To catch up on the initial results presented last year, check out our blog about the 2023 clinical trial results here. The latest data showed promising outcomes for people with Type 1 diabetes (T1D). VX-880 is an experimental therapy made from stem cells that can produce insulin. This therapy has the potential to reduce or even eliminate the need for insulin injections for people with T1D by restoring the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels naturally.

Promising Clinical Outcomes
The Phase 1/2 study included adults with T1D who often experienced very low blood sugar and didn’t always notice the signs. The average participant was 44 years old, had an HbA1c of 7.8%, and used about 40 units of insulin daily. The results were impressive:

  • Participants who received a full dose of VX-880 showed new insulin-producing cells and their bodies started making insulin again.
  • They no longer had severe low blood sugar events and had much better blood sugar control.
  • All 12 participants lowered their HbA1c to under 7.0% and kept their blood sugar levels in the target range over 70% of the time.
  • Out of the 10 participants who completed the 180-day check, seven no longer needed insulin injections, and two reduced their insulin use by 70%.
  • All patients with over a year of follow-up eliminated severe low blood sugar events and had an HbA1c under 7.0% at month 12, and they became insulin-independent.
  • These results show that VX-880 can work like natural insulin-producing cells, providing significant benefits for people with T1D.

A Glimpse into the Future
Dr. Piotr Witkowski from the University of Chicago highlighted the promising potential of VX-880, saying that this new data shows VX-880 could change how Type 1 diabetes is treated by offering an alternative to insulin injections. He hopes this treatment will become a major development in diabetes care.

The trial has been expanded to include about 37 participants to gather more data and help make VX-880 available to more people with T1D.